segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect is a natural occurrence and is what maintains the Earth’s temperature.
Many people believe that this greenhouse effect is a good thing and will provide a tropical world in which the Earth will thrive with growth, unfortunately it does not work this way with enhanced greenhouse effects.
Natural greenhouse effects are enhanced by greenhouse gasses emitted in mass quantities since the birth of the Industrial Revolution two centuries ago. These manmade gasses have altered and continue to alter Earths natural method of dealing with greenhouse gasses effectively and trap the heat from the sun inside.
This effect continues to escalade over time and eventually will alter the Earth’s core temperature enough to completely change the Earth as we know it, eliminating species.
Air pollution in Portugal

In Portugal, the quality problems of the air does not affect the territory in a systematic way, and is located in some areas as Sines, Setúbal, Barreiro-Seixal, Lisbon, Estarreja and Oporto (where the urban concentration is bigger).
-The air pollution is the result of the production of gases.
-Industrial activity.
-Motorized vehicles.
-Burning of garbage.
-Affects the security.
-Erodes the buildings.
-Affects the welfare.
-Affects people's health.
With these things, we cannot say that Portugal's situation is the worst though, there are four thousand premature deaths and a loss of average life expectancy of a few months.
We need to act now!
Dark view on animal species in Portugal

From 512 species of vertabrates that exist in Portugal, 42% are in danger, and these 42% species have special categories as 'critically endangered' , 'endangered and vulnerable', 'near threatened'.
In our country, the species which are more vulnerable to become extincts are, the freshwater fishes and migratory fishes.
in Portugal 69% of fishes, 38% of birds, 19% of anphibians and 26% of mammals are in danger.

More than 80 percent of the Earth’s natural forests already have been destroyed.
Among the obvious consequences of deforestation is the loss of living space. Seventy percent of the Earth’s land animals and plants reside in forests.
Deforestation may have catastrophic global effects as well. Trees are natural consumers of carbon dioxide—one of the greenhouse gases whose buildup in the atmosphere contributes to global warming. Destruction of trees not only removes these “carbon sinks,” but tree burning and decomposition pump into the atmosphere even more carbon dioxide, along with methane, another major greenhouse gas.
sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2008
Images of pollution
quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008
Let's talk about...Pollution

Pollution is the release of elements, radiation, vibrations, noises into the environment, damaging ecosystems and our health.
There are some different kinds of pollution, they are :
...Can cause decradation of the eco system caused by the emission of different substances. This type of pollution may cause the green house effect, climate changes, destruction of air quality, health problems within human beings such as breathing illnesses, different types of cancer amongst other things.
Water Pollution...
...There are two types of water pollution. On an economic view, water pollution is a change of its quality that affects consumers' welfare and reduces the profits of the producer. In terms of environment, water pollution is an environment's change that affects ecosystems and in a direct or indirect way the human being.
Light Pollution... the type of pollution caused by the excessive light. Light pollution may cause problems in the ecosystems and negative health effects.
Visual Pollution...
... is the excess of elements plugged to the visual communication, as banners, ads, totens, plaques, disposed into an urban environment, especially in shopping centers.
Noise Pollution... the effect caused by the diffusion of the sound in a tone to high, with the same well above tolerable by living organisms in the environment. Depending on your intensity, cause irriversible damage in humans.
terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2008
How to Help stop Global warming?
The amount of energy you consume and start using renewable energy sources, such as wind power and solar power.
Using products made with recycled materials. Make or buy a compost bin to use your organic waste as fertilizer for your trees, shrubs, and garden.
All materials to your best ability in your local area and purchase Carbon Offsets.
How to recycle at school

[Click on the image above to watch it in a bigger size]
Recycling involves processing used materials into new products in order to prevent the waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.
Recycling is a key component of modern waste management and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" waste hierarchy.
Some Interesting Facts:
-Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled.
-The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for 5,000 hours.
-The largest lake in the Britain could be filled with rubbish from the UK in 8 months.
-On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish.
-As much as 50% of waste in the average dustbin could be composted.
-Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled.
-9 out of 10 people would recycle more if it were made easier.
segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2008
'A Beautiful Lie' (song)

"A Beautiful Lie" is the fourth single by the band 30 Seconds to Mars from their second album A Beautiful Lie.
The video is showing the importance of global warming.
It features hidden messages and a support website
Take a look !
Video of Global Warming
I found this video on youtube, and I'd like you to watch it. It's very interesting. It speaks about global Warming, about its effects, consequences, what should be done, everything you have to know. It's worth to think about it.
Global Warming

What does cause it?
Scientists have determined that a number of human activities are contributing to global warming by adding excessive amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Human use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This is done by driving cars, using electricity from coal-fired power plants, or heating our homes with oil or natural gas.
Deforestation is another significant source of greenhouse gases, because fewer trees mean less carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen.
Why global warming is dangerous?

Global warming is dangerous because the warmer temperatures will provoke:
-The melting of glaciers and ice caps that will rise the sea-level
and this means that a lot of towns and cities will be flooded;
-The extinction of many plants and animals that cannot adapt to
new condition;
-More powerful and dangerous hurricanes, because warmer
water pumps more energy into tropical storms;
-More frequent and more intensive heat waves could result in
more heat-related deaths;
-Virulence of tropical diseases;
-More intense rainstorms and the probability of drought and
What to do?

What should be done to reduce the efects of global warming?
-Recycle your potentially recyclable material (paper, plastic, metal and
-If you need to replace your windows, install the best energy-saving
-Insulate your walls and ceilings; this can save about 25% of home
heating bills.
-Use your most fuel efficient vehicle for most trips and the larger, less
fuel efficient one only when needed.
-Reduce waste: Buy minimally packaged goods; choose reusable products
over disposable ones; recycle.
-When you buy a car, choose one that gets good gas mileage.
-Whenever possible, walk bike, carpool or use mass transit.
-Install low-flow shower heads to use less hot water.
-Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for your most-used lights.
-Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Cleaning a dirty air
conditioner filter can save 15% of the energy used.
-Don’t overheat or overcool rooms. Adjust your thermostat (Lowe in
winter, higher in summer).
-Wash your clothes in warm or cold water, not hot.
-Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Use the energy-saving
setting to dry the dishes. Don’t use heat when drying.
-Dont use produts with cfc's.
Is time to act with little things people!
over disposable ones; recycle.
-When you buy a car, choose one that gets good gas mileage.
-Whenever possible, walk bike, carpool or use mass transit.
-Install low-flow shower heads to use less hot water.
-Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for your most-used lights.
-Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Cleaning a dirty air
conditioner filter can save 15% of the energy used.
-Don’t overheat or overcool rooms. Adjust your thermostat (Lowe in
winter, higher in summer).
-Wash your clothes in warm or cold water, not hot.
-Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Use the energy-saving
setting to dry the dishes. Don’t use heat when drying.
-Dont use produts with cfc's.
Is time to act with little things people!
domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008
Mtv Switch
As MTV's viewers know, MTV has a global climate change campaign called «Mtv Switch».
They have a great website which by they are looking for the best ideas and innovations that can help us reinvent how we live in ways that are cool for us and the planet.
In its website, you can see the news about the environment, watch videos about the environment etc...
Access it now!
I'm sure, you MTV's viewers, will remember this video:
Some advices...

Let's see what we can do to help our planet...
Turn your heating down - An average family can save 400kg of CO2 a year and a lot of money.
Take a stand against standby - An average family can save 150kg of CO2 a year.
Unplug that charger - we usually leave our cell phone charger plugged but if we remember to unplug it, we can save 7kg of CO2 a year.
Turn out the bright lights - An average family can save 100kg of CO2 a year and a lot of money.
Take a low-power shower - An average family can save 200kg of CO2 a year.
Don't drive - An average family could save masses of CO2 a year.
If you want to read some more advices, go to this website
sábado, 22 de novembro de 2008
Greenhouse gas emission

This map show us the the greenhouse gas emissions per country. Happily, Portugal's situation isn't one of the worst, but we are one little country compared with China, U.S, Russia, Brazil.
Countries need to be developed but that development is directly affecting the best thing we have - our planet! Industrialisation should have some limitations or this situation will get much worse in a near future! It's time to act!
[You can watch the image in a bigger size by clicking on it]
quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2008
A letter written in the year 2070

" We are in the Year 2070I’ve just turned 50 but my appearance is of an 85 year old person. I have serious kidney problems because I drink to little water. I believe that I’ve little time left.
Today I’m one of the oldest persons in our society!!
I remember when I was 5 years old.Everything was different.There were many trees in the parks, the houses had nice gardens and I was able to enjoy a bath or take a long shower.Today we use hygienic tissues humidified in mineral oil to clean our skin!
In the past women showed their beautiful hair.Today we have to shave our heads to keep them clean without the use of water.Back then my father washed his car with the water which came out of the water house.Today the children can’t believe that water ever was used in such a way.
I remember that there were many “Announcements” that said:“DON’T WASTE WATER”,Only that nobody cared; everybody thought that water would never finish.Today all the rivers, dams, lakes and other water sources are irreversibly contaminated or used up.
Huge deserts replace the landscape which is all around of us.Gastrointestinal infections, skin diseases and diseases of the urinary evacuation system are the main causes of death.
The industry is paralyzed and unemployment is dramatic. The desalination factories are the main source of employment and they pay you with potable water instead of wage.
The assaults for a can of water are common in the deserted streets. The food is 80% synthetic.
In the past the ideal amount of water as indicated to drink was eight glasses per day for an adult person. Today I only can drink half a glass.
The clothes are wear and tear, which increases the amount of trash; we had to return to old fashioned wells and septic tanks like in the last century because the networks of sewers cannot be used due to the lack of water.
The appearance of the population is horrible; bodies become weak, wrinkled by the dehydration, plenty of sores in the skin by the ultra-violet rays that do not have the ozone layer that filtered them in the atmosphere.
Because of the dryness of the skin a young person of 20 years appears to be 40.The scientists investigate, but there is no possible solution.Water cannot be made; oxygen also is degraded by lack of trees. This degradation of oxygen has diminished the intellectual coefficient of the new generations.
The morphology of sperm of many individuals was altered. As a consequence many children are born with insufficiencies, mutations and deformations.
The government even makes us pay for the air we breathe, 137 m3 per day by adult inhabitant.The people who cannot pay are excluded from the “ventilated zones”, that are equipped with gigantic mechanical lungs that work with solar energy. They are not of good quality, but it is possible to breathe.The average age of humans is 35 years.
In some countries some vegetation spots with their respective river are left and are strongly watched over by the army.The water became a very coveted treasure, more than gold or diamonds.
Here however, there are no trees because it almost never rains, and when a precipitation gets registered, it is of acid rain.The years’ seasons severely are transformed by atomic testing and from the polluting industries of the 20th century.It was strongly advised then to watch the environment but nobody followed that advice.
When my daughter asks me to tell her how it was when I was young, I describe the beauty of the forests.I speak to her of rain, the flowers, of how pleasant it was to take a bath and be able to fish in the rivers and the lakes, to drink all the water that you wanted.And about how healthy people were then.
She asks me:- Dad! Why isn’t there any more water?That’s when I feel this node in my throat grow…
I cannot but feel guilty, because I belong to the generation that ended up destroying the environment or simply did not take into account all those many warnings.
Now our children are paying a very high price…
Sincerely I believe that life on Earth within very little will no longer be possible because the destruction of the environment arrived at an irreversible point."
Because of the dryness of the skin a young person of 20 years appears to be 40.The scientists investigate, but there is no possible solution.Water cannot be made; oxygen also is degraded by lack of trees. This degradation of oxygen has diminished the intellectual coefficient of the new generations.
The morphology of sperm of many individuals was altered. As a consequence many children are born with insufficiencies, mutations and deformations.
The government even makes us pay for the air we breathe, 137 m3 per day by adult inhabitant.The people who cannot pay are excluded from the “ventilated zones”, that are equipped with gigantic mechanical lungs that work with solar energy. They are not of good quality, but it is possible to breathe.The average age of humans is 35 years.
In some countries some vegetation spots with their respective river are left and are strongly watched over by the army.The water became a very coveted treasure, more than gold or diamonds.
Here however, there are no trees because it almost never rains, and when a precipitation gets registered, it is of acid rain.The years’ seasons severely are transformed by atomic testing and from the polluting industries of the 20th century.It was strongly advised then to watch the environment but nobody followed that advice.
When my daughter asks me to tell her how it was when I was young, I describe the beauty of the forests.I speak to her of rain, the flowers, of how pleasant it was to take a bath and be able to fish in the rivers and the lakes, to drink all the water that you wanted.And about how healthy people were then.
She asks me:- Dad! Why isn’t there any more water?That’s when I feel this node in my throat grow…
I cannot but feel guilty, because I belong to the generation that ended up destroying the environment or simply did not take into account all those many warnings.
Now our children are paying a very high price…
Sincerely I believe that life on Earth within very little will no longer be possible because the destruction of the environment arrived at an irreversible point."
We need to wake up, this is a big problem that we've created.
This letter show us, that global warming can affect our lives seriously in the future, we need to act now, to save our planet, before its too late.
There are a lot of ways to save our planet, little things to make the diference. Things like recycling, don't use cfc's, reduce bathing time, use public transportation instead of driving private vehicles... This is important! You need to remember these things every day, because it's ocurring while we speak or laugh...
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