Pollution is the release of elements, radiation, vibrations, noises into the environment, damaging ecosystems and our health.
There are some different kinds of pollution, they are :
...Can cause decradation of the eco system caused by the emission of different substances. This type of pollution may cause the green house effect, climate changes, destruction of air quality, health problems within human beings such as breathing illnesses, different types of cancer amongst other things.
Water Pollution...
...There are two types of water pollution. On an economic view, water pollution is a change of its quality that affects consumers' welfare and reduces the profits of the producer. In terms of environment, water pollution is an environment's change that affects ecosystems and in a direct or indirect way the human being.
Light Pollution...
...is the type of pollution caused by the excessive light. Light pollution may cause problems in the ecosystems and negative health effects.
Visual Pollution...
... is the excess of elements plugged to the visual communication, as banners, ads, totens, plaques, disposed into an urban environment, especially in shopping centers.
Noise Pollution...
....is the effect caused by the diffusion of the sound in a tone to high, with the same well above tolerable by living organisms in the environment. Depending on your intensity, cause irriversible damage in humans.
Resources: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poluição
1 comentário:
I think my post is better than yours. LOL
I'm kidding. ^^
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