segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008

Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect is a natural occurrence and is what maintains the Earth’s temperature.
Many people believe that this greenhouse effect is a good thing and will provide a tropical world in which the Earth will thrive with growth, unfortunately it does not work this way with enhanced greenhouse effects.
Natural greenhouse effects are enhanced by greenhouse gasses emitted in mass quantities since the birth of the Industrial Revolution two centuries ago. These manmade gasses have altered and continue to alter Earths natural method of dealing with greenhouse gasses effectively and trap the heat from the sun inside.
This effect continues to escalade over time and eventually will alter the Earth’s core temperature enough to completely change the Earth as we know it, eliminating species.

3 comentários:

eXtreme disse...

This is very important, and biodiversity is declining, which can cause an imbalance of the ecosystem.

Bruno F. disse...

Great video! I think that it gives all the information needed to understand the seriousness of what's happening. I hope that everyone do his part or else... Well... Or a great part of the earthling life will disapear!

Anónimo disse...

And who should be blamed? The humankind, of course. How can we be so selfish? =|